You can set a bookmark that will allow you to select a relative date range on a timesheet. This allows you to always show a range relative to today, without making any changes.

Here's a sample timesheet address:!startingAt=2019-09-23&endingAt=2019-10-24&activeReportDetailKeys%5B%5D=projects&activeReportDetailKeys%5B%5D=users

You can create a relative date range by editing the startingAt and endingAt clauses of the address. For instance to select 5 days before and 5 days ahead of today change startingAt and endingAt to set a date range that begins 5 days before today, and ends 5 days from now, set startingAt to =-5 and the endingAt to =5:!startingAt=-5&endingAt=5&activeReportDetailKeys%5B%5D=projects&activeReportDetailKeys%5B%5D=users

To select current day, use 0. For example endingAt=0.

Current limitations

Params from the address are only read when loading the page, if you change them after the timesheet loaded they will not be reflected. You need to close the tab and open a new one to try out a new address.